ZO® Ossential “Red Carpet Facial Peel”

ZO red carpet facial peel improves your skin look, texture, and feel in a matter of minutes. ZO medical facial tightens, brightens, and revives your skin appearance with no downtime at an immediate effect. Results can be experienced after the first session even though four to six treatment sessions are recommended for the best overall results.

The listing is for in-office treatment by our staff in Honolulu, HI. Product will not be shipped.


Deposits: Lock-in special pricing for 6 months (one treatment, one time). All deposits are nonrefundable but will be credited towards your account towards any service. All procedures require an in-person consultation and candidacy verification prior to treatment.

Note: All of our products & services are only available for pickup at our Honolulu location. We do not ship products or offer off-site services. If you are off-island we will credit it to your account for next time you are in town.

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ZO® Ossential “Red Carpet Facial Peel”

EAN: 0180000141887 SKU: 81086601405 Category:
  1. What is ZO Red Carpet Facial Peel?

ZO red carpet peel or Zein Obagi peel is an Ossential stimulator, a medical peel designed by the dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi. It offers the best skin rejuvenation with no downtime and added anti-irritants and antioxidants that help stimulate epidermal turnover, accelerate exfoliation, and minimize fine lines/ aging signs, resulting in smoother, brighter, and youthful skin.

  1. What does a ZO medical peel do?

ZO red carpet facial peel is a highly effective peel by ZO skin health that works on the mid-deep plane of the skin for revival and repair of the aesthetic skin concerns requiring total exfoliation and cell renewal, such as melasma and irregular pigmentation in the skin, photoaging, fine lines, minor scars, and sagging. ZO red carpet facial peel is relevant due to its prompt effect/ result. It works excellent for stimulating cell turnover, accelerating exfoliation, and even skin tone and texture, reducing aging signs and giving you a total skin revival and radiant effect.

  1. How Does ZO peel work?

ZO red carpet facial/ Zein Obagi is a highly effective, result-proven of all peel treatment that works on two levels, i.e., on the immediate reticular dermis and the upper reticular dermis. Therefore, before starting the treatment, your cosmetologist/ dermatologist should evaluate your skin damage, determine the objectives, and trace the accuracy of the different active ingredients of this peel.

ZO skin health stimulator peel consists of the following three essential formulas:

  1. a)Peel prep: Removes skin lipid layer for better penetration of the stimulator peel. It improves skin pigmentation resulting in brighter, glowing skin.
  2. b)Stimulator peel: A combination of alpha hydroxy acids helps improve skin texture and tone and provides epidermal exfoliation and renewal.
  3. c)Neutralizer and extraction prep: Neutralizes stimulator peel and prepares skin for any extractions.
  4. What results can I Expect?

ZO red carpet facial peel improves your skin look, texture, and feel in a matter of minutes. ZO medical facial tightens, brightens, and revives your skin appearance with no downtime at an immediate effect. Results can be experienced after the first session even though four to six treatment sessions are recommended for the best overall results.

The visible results can be seen as follows:

  • Elimination of melasma and brown pigmentation
  • Improve the skin tone and texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten skin laxity.
  • Skin homogenization
  • Recovery of skin luminosity and moisture
  • Provides instant glow to the skin
  1. How do I prepare my skin before ZO red carpet facial peel?

Patients should avoid using certain products and procedures on the areas to be treated for five to seven days before undergoing the ZO red carpet facial peel. The procedures that should be stopped before the peel is laser hair removal, waxing, electrolysis, microdermabrasion. Using certain products that can cause a strong reaction or side effects before peel treatment are Topical retinoids and tretinoin (including Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Refissa)

Other topical acids or exfoliants may irritate the skin, such as alpha hydroxyl acids [AHA’S], beta hydroxyl acids [BHA’S], exfoliating masks, retinol, and benzoyl peroxide should be avoided before the peel session.

How does it compare with other peels?

Similar to the Biorepeel, this peel can treat acne, dry/red skin, large pores, and pigmentation without downtime. They differ in ingredients as Bio RePeel contains 35% TCA, salicylic acid, tartaric acid, and lactobonic acid.

Patients who are are looking for the next step up in their peel  might want to try the new Zo Stimulator Peel+